There is too much food waste coming out of restaurants and commercial kitchens today. Commercial waste removal services can help with the disposal of such waste. However, not all businesses are well-established to succeed in food waste reduction and recycling endeavours. 

A majority of restaurants today are adopting enhanced strategies when it comes to minimising food wastage. Nevertheless, much more must be done to maximise efforts towards achieving an eco-friendly and efficient waste management program. If you own a restaurant or commercial food business, follow these five steps to optimise your food waste recycling and disposal efforts.

Plan and Strategise

A successful strategy begins with a dedicated commitment to minimising food waste from your facility. Meet with key stakeholders and discuss short- and long-term plans to achieve your goals. These plans must focus as much as possible on reducing, reusing and recycling food waste from your commercial facility. 

Assess and Monitor Food Use Levels

Failure to manage your restaurant inventory can amount to revenue and food wastages. For instance, food spoilage may arise from excess produce purchases, which in turn, ends up in garbage bins. 

It's thus imperative to monitor your food inventory as well as usage levels. Have your orders placed judiciously to avoid excess supplies. 

Keep a Keen Eye on Storage Temperature

Optimum food storage temperature is essential to avoid unnecessary food wastage. Always monitor your refrigerators and freezers to ensure they are set at ideal temperature levels. This way, all stored food maintains its freshness for the longest time possible. 

Come Up with a Recycling Program

In addition to reducing food wastage, consider recycling in various areas. Bulk produce will often be delivered in large containers and boxes. When dealing with food recycling, such packaging must be given due consideration as well. 

Always rinse your food containers, such as cans and bottles, for proper recycling afterwards. The more you recycle them, the better your efforts will be towards minimising carbon footprint and food wastes. 

Offer Adequate Employee Training 

After arriving at an ideal commercial waste disposal program, set up an awareness meeting. You can use this opportunity to inform all employees concerning your food waste recycling program. As such, your plans become much easier to implement when every member is on board. 

Commercial food and other related wastes are a reality in the food industry. However, optimising recycling and food waste disposal can help you achieve an eco-friendly business model. Therefore, consider implementing these five strategies while working with a food waste recycling service to achieve better results.
